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Help get the Word out

I want to thank everyone who have logged in and has started to Stay Connected.

Please read Stay Connect blog which was posted yesterday, it will help you to keep connected during this set back.

Remember you can log in with your email address, that will help us to add and get information out to you.

SUNDAY this week I would like to stress what we are doing! Jaimie and I will be there at church for 10:30 am service. Again, if you have been around people who may be feeling under the weather, be considerate and watch from home (all the links and how to get on and watch are in the previous blog). So, church is not cancelled, and we will ask you to wash when entering in, or hand sanitizer, I know we are a hugging and kissing congregation so please consider others. Try to sit somewhat seperate just for caution. We believe that prayer is the key to resolve and bring peace to us. Yes, God is BIGGER, however God gives us wisdom. We dont need a bunch of faithwalkers who say, God is with us people. Yes He is, and by FAITH we WILL come out victorious.

For the following SUNDAYS we may consider Drive-In church. We have looked at plans and ideas to make this work so everyone could attend by staying in the car. We will have phone and projector worship,sound system and even communion. SO, more information will be posted here

SO, Get the Word out. If you know people that their church has closed you can give them all the information to watch us on phone, computer, or call in for video conferences.

Have already got texts and messages about miss information. That is why I am bloging here on our site, as it is coming from your Pastor. Information about our church will NOT be posted on Facebook. You can keep checking back here.

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