Today when the storm came through we had a surge of water come around the church. As always we continue to believe for God's protection and safety for the facility. As of right now the level is high and we could not enter building but I am going to the church in the am to assess any damage.
PLEASE keep praying as there is nothing wrong on the inside.
PLEASE do not allow this issue to cause division, strife, doubt and confusion to enter and bring about unrest.
PLEASE GLORIFY GOD, not the flood, the damage if any, and not the enemy. give no place for the enemy to operate.
I will text, and add an update tomorrow as to the steps we are going to do and any needs that will be needed.
PLEASE PRAY IN UNITY for one another, GOD WILL BE GLORIFIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WOW!! Praying for little to no lasting damage!