Just a reminder that this Sunday is one of the most important days in the Christian calendar. Not Easter, not bunny days, not chocolate or sugary marshmellows, BUT Resurrection Day. Why is it important to celebrate together!
It's a day of glorious praise as JESUS is the only one to arise from the dead. (Lazarus was called forth by Jesus)
His rising from the dead gives us new life today and the future. Jesus said, to Mary and Martha, he will rise again on the last day (talking about Lazarus and us).
It has been a very trying year in our lives and in the church.
We have been distanced and isolated. YET, God has been moving by His Spirit in many different ways. What have you learned over this past year? (Write a comment and let me know, I am very curious?)
For me and my house, we have been serving the Lord in many different ways.
It has given us a chance to LISTEN to the Holy Spirit
LEARN what and where to go
LEAVE the things, people and agendas in the past.
GOD IS DOING A NEW THING! Can you sense it?
Don't try to figure it out. You can't.
SO THIS SUNDAY, Jaimie and I and your church family encourage you to take a step of FAITH and join us to celebrate and rejoice the NEW LIFE we have in Jesus.