Good Morning River Church congregation.
I'm sure by know you have heard that President Trump shared that Churches are essential. Well, we have known that all a long.
Gov. Murphy opened the opportunity to expand OUTSIDE assembly to 25.
Through prayer, we will be assembling tomorrow in the parking lot.
For those who feel safer in the car, please remain in your car.
For those who feel they would like to be outside here are a few rules:
Please have your mask with you
Please keep your 6' distance in seating.
Please refrain from contact, talking and hugging in close distance
Please bring a comfortable outside chair to sit.
We want to comply with the continuous rules due to the virus.
I know many believers are commenting on Why can't we be inside, its the constitutions law. etc..... Yes, however, we have been having service online, and bible study online and mens zoom on mondays, and prayer on wednesdays.
We have not skipped a beat!
PLEASE, don't get caught up in the worlds and (radical believers comments)
Safety is still a concern.
We are thankful for all of you who have been tithing on Paypal and sending checks to continue to keep the church buildings bills up to date.
Currently we are in some financial stress due to the 3 months of paying rent for the Kings Depot which has been bringing in no money, and has been been low over the past 6 months. There is a tremendous amount of work that needs to be done at the facility. Cleaning, sorting and disposing of things that have been there for years.
This is a MUST NEEDS ISSUE right now. Please contact Bud Bradford or Pastor Eric if you feel the need to help organize and clean up the facility.
Again, looking forward to a great day tomorrow in the Lord outside.
God Bless